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28.02.2014, 12:32 - hghsalerrl - StabsFeldwebel - 290 Posts seventy-three. Even though Bonds has never admitted using steroids, it is widely accepted that he did. He is also currently under indictment for perjury and obstruction of justice. hgh for sale If Bonds is convicted, it may give Hall of melanotan 2 Fame voters the out that they need not to vote for him. What about players like Sammy Sosa, Rafael Palmiero, and Roger Clemens? All three have Human Growth Hormone For Sale Hall of Fame numbers. While Sosa and Clemens have never, to this date, admitted using performance enhancing drugs or failed a drug test, it widely believed that they did. Clemens is currently under investigation for lieing to Congress about his drug use. Palmiero just a few months after wagging his finger at Congress claiming that he had never used any performance enhancers, failed a drug test. What happens hgh for sale when current players Alex Rodriguez and Manny Ramirez become eligible? What happens if a player who is not suspected to have used Steroids, say Mike Piazza, is inducted and then it comes out that they muscle building supplements did use |