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07.03.2014, 02:19 - Lockhart - StabsFeldwebel - 292 Posts

Its the th birthday of Summerhill, a school thats an early forerunner of the hippie ethos. Children dont have to attend lessons,Diesel Jeans Men, in fact, pretty much dont have to do anything they dont want to. With one exception, as an expupil describes: Even so, I got a book flung at me for talking in class our inspirational English teacher, an exarmy man. You dont have to come,Diesel jeans sale, he said, but if you do, you must not spoil it for others. Which is pretty much libertarianism in a nutshell. Do as you wish but dont spoil it for anyone else. What amuses or enrages, to taste about all of this is that schools Summerhill, and that educational ethos has become a standard part of primary school teaching in England, are considered to be of the left. Children must have the freedom to be who they wish to be,Diesel Jeans On Sale, they must not be directed, they should be simply allowed to explore the world as they desire. Libertarians tend not to think that children should be educated this way at least,Christian Louboutin, the ones I know but do think that this do as you wish but dont spoil it for others is the very essence of how consenting adults should be allowed to live their lives. Yet that very idea,Kids Nike Free Shoes, the one that is considered essential for children the English left, would leave them aghast, horrified even, if it were even suggested for how adults might be treated.You know,Diesel Skinny Jeans, without direction the State as to how they should expend their efforts. I cant help feeling that if anyone is to be allowed such liberty it should be the adults but apparently some people just dont think that way.
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