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07.03.2014, 02:20 - Gainsborough - StabsFeldwebel - 265 Posts

Apple CEO Steve Jobs is tired of being the environmental movements hightech whipping boy. In an open letter posted on Apples Web site Wednesday afternoon, Jobs defended the Cupertino, Calif.based computer makers record,discount Diesel jeans, and outlined a number of new steps it will take to turn its image from that of green loser to green leader. Jobs said Apple is moving to rid its products of mercury, arsenic, polyvinyl chloride and brominated flame retardants. He said Apples U.S. retail stores already will take back old iPods for environmentally friendly disposal,Christian Louboutin shoes, and promised to expand that effort to stores worldwide. Jobs also claimed that , Apple may be recycling a larger portion of the products it sells than either Dell or Hewlett Packard . Jobs promised to regularly update the public on Apples progress. We apologize for leaving you in the dark for this long, Jobs wrote. The campaign comes as holders have joined the usual activists in pushing Apple to get greener. Earlier this year,Gucci Buy Tods, Apple was named, yet again, as the computer maker with the worst environmental track record Greenpeace. In a statement, Greenpeace praised Jobs letter ? and urged him to do more. Investors are chiming in, too. Investment firm Trillium Asset Management is asking Apple to report on the feasibility of eliminating toxic chemicals from its products,, such as brominated flame retardants and polyvinyl chloride plastics. Another ,Burberry bags outlet, the Educational Foundation of America,Yves Saint Laurent Sandals, is asking Apple to produce a report on ways it can improve its recycling efforts. Apple is opposing both proposals.

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