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08.03.2014, 02:21 - Gainsborough - StabsFeldwebel - 265 Posts

Image via CrunchBase Adobe may have decided that the time has come to stop distributing the Flash Player for Android to new users via the Google Play download site, but now hackers stepped up to fill a gap in the market, offering their own fake, malwareridden offerings. On August ,Burberry bags outlet, Adobe pulled the plug on the ability for those without Flash Player on their Android devices to download the player from the Google Play store. In a blog post the company said that devices that do not have Flash Player already installed are increasingly ly to be incompatible with Flash Player and will no longer be able to install it from the Google Play Store after August th. The Flash Player is being phased out in favor of the Adobe AIR crossplatform runtime environment. This allows developers to write a single app that will run on a whole range of platforms and devices. Image via CrunchBase Enter the bad guys. Of course,Diesel jeans sale, its possible that some Android users have missed that deadline, so they venture on to other parts of the Internet in search of alternative download sites,Diesel Belts, said GFI Software research analyst Jovi Umawing. The company has already found several Russian websites and one English site offering fake Adobe Flash Player downloads. Users are even guided through the process of rooting their Android device so the malware can be installed on it ?? a procedure that isnt required for the legitimate Flash Player app. These fake Flash Player apps are carriers for premium SMS Trojans that are programmed to send out three SMS messages to a premium service setup the malware author ?? costing the user between $ and $. Malicious and untrustworthy apps come in many different flavors,, and as you can see, Adobe Flash is one that is used to lure unsuspecting users to install, says Webroot security researcher Joe McManus. McManus goes on to offer the following words of wisdom. Remember, always choose your apps wisely and download from a trusted source. Check reviews,Christian Louboutin, research the developer and verify permissions requested before downloading. If you want to beef up security on your Android device then I suggest you grab the avast! Mobile Security app. Not only is this one of the best antivirus amp antitheft Android security apps available with some million users worldwide,Discount Diesel jeans, but it is also free.Move up i.forbesimg tMove downApple Delivers Crushing Blow to Google in Patent Dispute Ghost of Steve JobsSusan KallaContributorWhy iPhone May Not Break A Quarter Billion Units SoldNigam AroraContributorThe iPhone And Mobile PaymentsYay or NayChristopher VersaceContributor

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