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MessageboardAlte Public ForenPEG-MGF The Pros and Cons of HGH Injections_2

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Author: Message:
290 Posts
registered: 14.10.2013
06.03.2014, 16:10 email offline quote 

HGH Injections - The Cons

The main disadvantage with the use of HGH injections is that it is rather expensive. A year worth of HGH therapy PEG-MGF using injections can Buy Steroids Online cost thousands of dollars. You will expect to pay at least a thousand dollars for a EPO month worth of therapy. This is done through a licensed medical practitioner, so you should expect to have multiple trips to your doctor GHRP-6 during the course of the therapy.

Another con for using injections stems from the fact that you are allowing your body to take HGH from an outside source. When your body becomes dependent to getting HGH somewhere else, your pituitary gland can get affected due to inactivity. The pituitary gland's natural production will tend to slow down. The body will eventually think that this gland is already useless, and time will come that it will stop producing HGH on its own. In relation to this, it has been observed by many taking HGH injections that once you discontinue with the therapy suddenly, PT-141 you actually feel worse as the pituitary gland's function is disrupted in a bad way.
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