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registered: 22.12.2012
07.03.2014, 02:18 email offline quote 

Investors sent s of General Cable tumbling Friday after the company announced that rising metal prices had pushed it to a fourthquarter loss. The Highland Heights, Ky.,Burberry bags outlet, company said it lost $. million, or cents per ,True Religion Jeans Men, compared to a profit of $. million, or cents per ,Gucci Buy Tods, in the yearago quarter. For the period ending Dec. , General Cables sales dropped to $. billion from $. billion in the fourth quarter of . The company missed the profit estimate of analysts polled Thomson Reuters, who predicted profits of cents per on sale of $. billion. General Cable, which designs and manufactures copper, aluminum, and fiberoptic wire for cable systems, blamed the quarterly loss on rising metal prices and its inability to pass off that hike to consumers in a timely fashion. s of General Cable hit a sixmonth low on Friday, falling .%, or $.,www.newdiscountdieseljeans.com, to $. in morning trading. In January General Cable said it would take a $ million to $ million charge in its first quarter due to Venezuela?s currency devaluation. Venezuela adjusted its exchange range on essential goods from . bolivars per dollar to . bolivars. For nonessential goods Venezuela adjusted rates from . bolivars per dollar to . bolivars. General Cable said it expects firstquarter profits between cents and cents per on sales ranging between $. billion and $. billion. Analysts polled Thomson Financial,www.dieselsalesoutlet.com, who typically don?t account for onetime charges, predict profits of cents per on sales of $. billion. Other wire makers slid in Friday morning trading, too. Coleman Cable lost one cent, or .%, to $. Hubbell dipped cents, or .%, to $. and Encore Wire dropped cents,Diesel Belts, or .%, to $..

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