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registered: 22.12.2012
07.03.2014, 02:19 email offline quote 

Chinese stocks started off resilient on Monday while Japan's benchmark Nikkei fell below , points. Chinas stock market was a bit more resilient early Monday to the aftershock of Japans devastating earthquake. The Shanghai Composite Index started Monday at points, up from Fridays close of . points.That didnt last long, however,YSL Tribute Sandal, and the market traded below Fridays close about an hour after the open.The Hang Seng was down .% to ,Diesel Tapered Jeans, points early in the day. Meanwhile, the Nikkei stock index started Monday down over points as the country tries to grasp with the worst natural disaster in a generation,Burberry bags outlet, Kyodo News agency reported at the opening bell. The Nikkei started . points lower to ,Nike Free Online Store, points. The Bank of Japan injected a record trillion yen $. billion into the shortterm money markets to keep markets liquid during the countrys early recovery phase,Christian Louboutin, the Kyodo wire reported. Japan is mourning a massive . magnitude earthquake that was followed a devastating tsunami on Friday morning before most people had started their day. The Fukushima power plant run the Tokyo Electric Power Company continues to be in an alarming state, Japans Prime Minister Naoto Kan told reporters early Monday. Nomura Research said in a note from Hong Kong that nearterm downward pressure on Japanese stocks looks inevitable, but that a serious correction was unly. The country continues to face aftershocks. One shook the Ibaraki Prefecture midmorning Monday registering a . on the Richter scale,Nike Free Hypertr Shoes, Kyodo news reported.

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